Essentials of Finance

This course is an introductory course to finance that is designed for those who wish to enhance their decision-making ability based on applying financial knowledge in business. The course is not intended for finance specialists; it targets students who have already learned the basics of accounting. In this course students will:

In this course students will:

  • Develop their overall understanding of finance
  • Be enabled to describe the role of finance in corporate management in their own words
  • Develop the ability to independently conduct basic financial analysis in business fields

Course Features

Calendar icon
3 Months (18 Hours)

Suitable for busy professionals with 3-hour sessions held every other week

Hybrid Teaching icon
100% Live Teaching

Flexible for today's lifestyle, choose to join classes online with real-time interaction

Quality icon
Course Fee

USD 1,150 tuition fee

Certificate icon

You will receive a certificate upon course completion

Course Schedule and Materials

Day and Time

January 14th (Tues.)  5PM – 8PM (PST)

Session A

Basic Concepts of Finance
Cash Flow and the Time Value of Money


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit1.

・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance Basics: 1”

・GLOBIS Unlimited “TVM (Time Value of Money)”

・GLOBIS Unlimited “Discount Rate”

Session B

How to Measure the Value of Assets


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit1.

・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance Basics: 1”

・GLOBIS Unlimited “TVM (Time Value of Money)”

・GLOBIS Unlimited “Discount Rate”

・GLOBIS Unlimited “DCF (Discounted Cash Flow)”

Day and Time

January 28 (Tues.)  5PM – 8PM (PST)

Session A

How to Measure the Value of a Business/Project and Make Decisions


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit 2.
・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance Basics: 1”
・GLOBIS Unlimited “DCF (Discounted Cash Flow)”

Session B

Rules for Making Investment Decisions


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit 2.
・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance Basics: 1”

Day and Time

February 11th (Tues.)  5PM – 8PM (PST)

Session A

Business Investment Decisions


・Pandora Cosmetics Co.: Profitability Analysis for the Internet Channel

・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance Basics: 2 (Business Value)”
・GLOBIS Unlimited “FCF (Free Cash Flow)”

Session B

Business Investment Decisions (cont.)


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition―Unit 3.
・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance Basics: 2 (Business Value)”
・GLOBIS Unlimited “WACC (Weighted Average Cost of Capital)”

Day and Time

February 25th (Tues.)  5PM – 8PM (PST)

Session A

Calculating the Equity Cost of Capital


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition―Unit 4.
・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance: Cost of Capital”
・GLOBIS Unlimited “CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model)”

Session B

Capital Structure and Enterprise Value


・Yokohama Flour Co. Ltd.
・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit 4.
・GLOBIS Unlimited “Finance: Cost of Capital”
・GLOBIS Unlimited “Tax Shield”
・GLOBIS Unlimited “APV (Adjusted Present Value)”

Day and Time

March 11th (Tues.)  5PM – 8PM (PDT)

Session A

Enterprise Value and Stock Value


・Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit 5.
・GLOBIS Unlimited “DCF Stock Valuation”
・Exercise_ DCF Stock Valuation (Excel)”

Session B

Enterprise Value and Stock Value (Continued)


Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit 5.

Day and Time

March 25th (Tues.)  5PM – 8PM (PDT)

Session A

Other Topics about Enterprise Valuation


Interactive Lecture: Finance ―Revised 2nd Edition― Unit 6.

Session B

Investment evaluation comprehensive exercises


New Market Entry by Industry Plastics Ltd.

Course Lecturer

Satoshi Hirose

Dean, GLOBIS University

Mr. Hirose Satoshi is a professor at and the dean of the Graduate School of Management, GLOBIS University.

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Sound management creates a competitive organization, while loose management guides a company to difficulties in the long run and makes stakeholders, including employees and their families, face an unexpected,... Read More

Satoshi Hirose

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