Video of GLOBIS USA’s Peter Senge’s Seminar From Organizational Learning to Compassionate Systems

, GLOBIS USA News  |  December 7, 2024

Video of GLOBIS USA’s Peter Senge’s Seminar From Organizational Learning to Compassionate Systems was shared by our colleagues at GLOBIS Insights

Peter Senge, renowned author of The Fifth Discipline and senior lecturer at MIT, joined a GLOBIS USA Kokorozashi seminar to discuss systems thinking and its relevance to leadership and personal mission.

Mr. Senge highlighted the concept of kokorozashi, a philosophy central to GLOBIS, describing it as the intersection of personal passion and meaningful contributions to society. Reflecting on his career, he remarked, “What matters deeply to me and what can be useful to the world—that’s kokorozashi.”

He also addressed the paradox of intelligent efforts producing undesirable outcomes, citing climate change as an example. Senge explained that understanding systemic interconnections is key to creating sustainable solutions.  

The seminar concluded with a discussion on compassionate systems, emphasizing empathy and systemic change to address societal challenges. Mr. Senge encouraged leaders to look into civilizations that have more than 2,000 years of history and embrace these principles to drive meaningful transformation.

The full seminar is available on the GLOBIS Insights YouTube channel:


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